One dead and five injured in York bus crash - police

A 31-year-old man died at the scene of the crash involving a Tesla and a bus, police say.
2024-06-29 23:06:42

At least five dead after train and bus collide at Slovakia level-crossing

Another five have reportedly been injured following the crash about 80km east of Bratislava.
2024-06-27 22:08:29

Watch as girl, five, declares on air at Glastonbury she has a boyfriend

A little girl shares with a BBC reporter in front of her amused parents that she has her first boyfriend.
2024-06-26 19:08:21

Royal Mail buyer to make offer for all staff shares

He needs the approval of shareholders of three quarters of the business.
2024-06-26 03:07:44

Lost Boys and Fairies: 'My husband and I cried like a baby watching it'

After the success of BBC drama, series writer Daf James shares his own experience with adoption.
2024-06-15 15:08:16

Family of freed Israeli hostage shares details about Gaza captivity

Post Content
2024-06-13 08:10:08

Gamestop jumps after 'Roaring Kitty' claims stake

Shares in the video game retailer surge after an account tied to the famed investor claimed a large stake.
2024-06-03 17:08:53

M9 crash victim's suffering 'almost incomprehensible'

Lamara Bell died after being left for three days in a car that had crashed down an embankment.
2024-05-31 12:09:50

Make-up and McDonald's: Dangerous driving caught on camera

National Highways shares video of three dangerous driving incidents to coincide with a safety initiative.
2024-05-25 15:07:51

Details emerge of crash as crowd attends funeral for Iran's president

Post Content
2024-05-21 20:08:31

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is also confirmed to have died in Sunday's crash in north-western Iran.
2024-05-20 14:08:20

No signs of life after helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash, Iranian news agencies have reported. Follow for live updates
2024-05-20 07:06:08

China property shares jump on report of government plans to buy unsold homes

Post Content
2024-05-16 07:08:39

Two helicopters crash during training in Malaysia

At least 10 crew members were on board the aircraft, say local media reports.
2024-04-23 06:07:11

Francis Ogolla: Kenya investigates crash that killed military chief

Post Content
2024-04-19 13:08:48

Markets react as US says Israel has struck Iran

Oil and gold prices rose and shares fell in Asian trade.
2024-04-19 08:08:10

Kenya helicopter crash: President Ruto convenes emergency security council

Post Content
2024-04-18 19:09:54

Plane crash deaths rise in 2020 despite Covid pandemic

Some 299 people died in commercial plane crashes last year, rising from 257 casualties in 2019.
2021-01-02 14:05:56

Head-on crash kills 7 kids, 2 adults in central California

2021-01-03 20:06:04

Indonesia Boeing 737 passenger plane crash site found, Navy says

Ships with navy divers are sent to the site where a plane is believed to have plunged into the sea.
2021-01-10 02:06:08

Body parts, debris found after Indonesia plane crash

2021-01-10 04:05:50

Indonesia Sriwijaya Air crash: Distraught relatives await news

Information is emerging about those on board the Sriwijaya Air flight that crashed off Indonesia.
2021-01-10 18:06:51

Indonesia Sriwijaya Air crash: Distraught relatives await news

Information is emerging about those on board the Sriwijaya Air flight that crashed off Indonesia.
2021-01-10 18:06:57

Indonesia Sriwijaya Air crash: Distraught relatives await news

Information is emerging about those on board the Sriwijaya Air flight that crashed off Indonesia.
2021-01-10 18:06:58

Sriwijaya Air crash: Indonesia divers search wreckage as black box hunt resumes

Divers resume their search for the black boxes after a passenger plane crashed into the Java Sea.
2021-01-11 05:05:56

Sriwijaya Air crash: Indonesia's black box locator damaged

Authorities are still searching for the data recorders of the crashed Sriwijaya Air plane.
2021-01-12 06:05:49

How did the pilot survive this plane crash?

Surveillance footage shows the moment a plane fell out of the sky in Oyster Bay, New York.
2021-01-14 02:05:58

Nigerian diplomat's family sues Boeing over 737 Max crash

2021-01-14 02:05:59

Így szerezhetünk ingyenes forró csokit a McDonald?s-ban

Az emberek a közösségi médiában gyakran adnak egymásnak tippeket arról, hogy miképpen gyűjthetnek össze költségmentesen ételeket és italokat. Egy Kyle nevű férfi nemrégiben kitalálta, hogyan juthat hozzá fizetés nélkül forró csokoládéhoz a McDonald?s-ban ? olvasható a Mirrorban. A tanácsa meglehetősen egyszerűnek tűnik, de mégsem aratott osztatlan sikert a követői között.  Videójában elmagyarázta, hogy mindössze egy csésze forró vizet és két tasak csokoládéöntetet kell kérnünk, ezeket összekeverjük, és már fogyaszthatjuk is a díjmentes meleg finomságot. @kyde14 happy one year anniversary to...
2021-01-14 13:05:39

French motorcyclist Cherpin dies after Dakar Rally crash

French motorcyclist Pierre Cherpin dies five days after crashing during stave seven of the Dakar Rally.
2021-01-15 10:06:58

Születésnapján ölte meg magát a 12 éves fiú

Ethan Bourne a 12. születésnapján együtt sütötte a tortát anyjával, lefekvéskor jó éjszakát kívánt neki, majd a szobájába ment, és öngyilkos lett. A fiú Waltham Forestben (London külső részén fekvő kerület) élt anyukájával és testvéreivel. Január 3-án lett 12 éves, a születésnapján segített Oreo-kekszes sajttortát készíteni anyjának, aztán játszott a Playstationnel. Anyja este fél tízkor szólt neki, hogy már ideje lefeküdnie, Ethan így is tett. Jó éjt, anya. Szeretlek ? mondta anyjának, majd a szobájába ment. Másnap reggel 7:20-kor találták meg a holttestét. A sokkos állapotban levő családtag...
2021-01-16 12:05:39

Indonesia plane crash probe focusses on autothrottle

It's still unclear why Sriwijaya Air SJ182 crashed, but it previously had issues with the autothrottle.
2021-01-22 09:05:58

Egy alvásszakértő elárulta, mit kell tennünk ahhoz, hogy örökre számüzzük a horkolást

Dr. Sophie Bostock alvásszakértő volt a vendég a This Morning című brit talkshowban, ahol arról beszélgetett a műsorvezetőkkel, hogy a karantén, és a járvány miatt leszűkült lehetőségeink miatt miként változhattak meg az alvási szokásaink. A Mirror is arról ír, hogy a szakértő nem árult el nagy titkot, amikor azt mondta, a bezártság és a szabadidős tevékenységek minimalizálása elősegíthette azt, hogy páran elhízzanak, ami egyben azt is jelentheti, hogy ezek az emberek többet, és hangosabban horkolnak, mint a járványt megelőző időszakban. Ennek orvoslására azt javasolta, próbáljunk a lehetőség...
2021-01-25 14:05:39

How women played a major role in Yemen's Arab Spring

Yemeni lawyer Ishraq al-Maqtari shares her memories of being one of the first women to take to the streets in Taiz city, which later became known as the 'cradle of the revolution'.
2021-01-27 02:06:07

'Bad words' lead to GameStop shares plunging

Private investors using online chatrooms have led to a trading frenzy in some unexpected shares.
2021-01-28 08:05:52

What's been going on at GameStop?

Chris Fox explains stocks, short-selling and what has been happening with GameStop shares.
2021-01-29 19:05:51

Cuba helicopter crash: Five dead after aircraft left Holguín

The aircraft crashed after leaving eastern Holguín for a short trip to Guantánamo province.
2021-01-30 06:06:10

GameStop: Real Wolf of Wall Street warns 'you could lose it all'

Jordan Belfort says amateurs should "take their chips off the table" as shares in the retailer tumble.
2021-02-02 17:06:10

Doctors hail first face and double hand transplant

Joe DiMeo suffered severe burns in a car crash and says the operations offer him a "second chance".
2021-02-04 13:05:51

Chinese star Gao Liu shares photos of 'nightmare' nose surgery

Chinese star Gao Liu posts photos as a warning to others after her cosmetic procedure went wrong.
2021-02-05 03:06:04

Megutálták a követői az ukrán lányt, mert kitetováltatta a macskáját

A fitneszfanatikus Elena Ivanickaya úgy döntött, hogy varrat egy mintát a macskájára, annak ellenére, hogy neki, gazdiként nincsen tetoválása. Az állatvédő kommentelők pedig elküldték melegebb éghajlatokra ? olvasható a Sunban. A tetováltatás még 2017-ben történt, de most újra feltöltött a cicáról egy képet, azzal a nem titkolt szándékkal, hogy borzolja a kedélyeket. A követői állatkínzásnak tartják, amit tett, és szerintük a nő elmebeteg. A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon Elena Iwanickaya (@elenaiwt) által megosztott bejegyzés Ivanickaya visszavágot...
2021-02-05 15:05:40

Kobe Bryant crash: Pilot broke flight rules, safety investigators say

Safety investigators are meeting to discuss the cause of the NBA star's fatal helicopter crash.
2021-02-09 18:06:02

Japan: Submarine crew phone for help after crash

The submarine collided with a commercial ship as it attempted to surface off Japan's Pacific coast.
2021-02-09 19:05:52

Tao Geoghegan Hart recovers from crash on stage one of the Tour du Haut Var

Ineos Grenadiers rider Tao Geoghegan Hart completes the opening stage of the Tour du Haut Var despite being involved in a crash.
2021-02-19 20:05:55

Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank name baby son

The baby shares names with Prince Albert, the Duke of Edinburgh, and a Brooksbank family name.
2021-02-20 14:07:03

Seven die in Nigerian Air Force plane crash near Abuja airport

The military plane crashed short of the runway in the capital Abuja, after reporting engine failure.
2021-02-21 16:07:11

Dating apps scam committed by criminal from inside prison

A recently reformed criminal shares how he ran romance scams to serve as a warning to others.
2021-02-23 02:06:03

Tiger Woods in hospital after car crash

Tiger Woods is taken to hospital following a car crash, says the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
2021-02-23 21:05:54

Súlyos autóbaléesetet szenvedett Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods világhírű golfozó súlyos autóbalesetet szenvedett Kalifornia államban, írják az Egyesült Államok meghatározó hírforrásai. A golfjátékos balesetének részleteit még nem tudni, de a CBS információi szerint csak Woods autója sérült meg a balesetben, és egyedül utazott a kocsiban. A sportembert a tűzoltóknak kellett kivágniuk autójából, amely totálkáros lett, Woods lába pedig több helyen is súlyosan megsérült. Állapotáról az ESPN-nek Woods ügynöke nyilatkozott nem sokkal a baleset után. ?Tiger Woods autóbalesetet szenvedett, amely során több lábsérülést szenvedett. Jelenleg a műtőben v...
2021-02-23 23:05:40

Tiger Woods fans react to his car accident

People on a golf course near Tiger Woods' Florida home said they were "freaking out" when they heard about his recent crash.
2021-02-24 20:05:58

GameStop surges again as Reddit crashes temporarily

Trading in GameStop shares halted minutes before markets closed but jumped again in late trading.
2021-02-25 01:05:56

Tiger Woods car crash: Golfing champion will not face criminal charges

Police say the crash was "purely an accident" after the golfing champion flipped his car on Tuesday.
2021-02-25 10:07:01

Sentence reduced for driver in fatal Dubai bus crash case

2021-02-25 14:05:52

Kaspersky shares state of stalkerware in 2020

2021-02-26 16:06:31

GameStop shares surge more than 100%

GameStop shares climbed rapidly and were halted twice for volatility ahead of the closing bell Wednesday. The gaming retailer's stock was priced at $91.71 at market close, up nearly 104% from the previous day.
2021-02-26 23:28:34

Woods has a long, uncertain road ahead after crash, doctor says

Even after his emergency surgery, the path to recovery is long and uncertain for golf legend Tiger Woods, following his car accident in California.
2021-02-27 00:06:51

Karting driver investigated over attack on track

Karting driver Luca Corberi is being investigated by the FIA after he threw his bumper into traffic at another driver and attacked the competitor who he blamed for his own crash.
2021-02-27 00:06:52

Serena Williams shares video of her 3-year-old daughter training with tennis coach

Serena Williams' has shared a video clip of her 3-year-old daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., perfecting her swing on the court, with the help of coach Patrick Mouratoglou.
2021-02-27 00:06:53

Three people killed in Georgia plane crash

Three people were killed Friday when their single-engine plane crashed into a ravine shortly after takeoff in Gainesville, Georgia, officials said.
2021-02-27 04:05:39

Tiger Woods car crash: Golfer 'in good spirits' after latest treatment

The golfer received successful "follow-up procedures" following Tuesday's serious car crash in LA.
2021-02-27 06:07:41

Yates second after heavy crash as Pogacar wins UAE Tour

Britain's Adam Yates comes second on his debut for Ineos Grenadiers at the UAE Tour, despite crashing heavily during the final stage.
2021-02-27 14:08:32

We should be grateful that Tiger Woods' kids 'haven't lost their dad,' says McIlroy

In the aftermath of Tiger Woods' car crash, the golf world has been coming to terms with the physical and psychological impact on the 15-time major winner and what it also means for the sport.
2021-02-28 12:06:17


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